if (_hierarchyState & ASHierarchyStateRasterized) { return; }
// for async display, capture the current displaySentinel value to bail early when the job is executed if another is // enqueued // for sync display, do not support cancellation // FIXME: what about the degenerate case where we are calling setNeedsDisplay faster than the jobs are dequeuing // from the displayQueue? Need to not cancel early fails from displaySentinel changes. asdisplaynode_iscancelled_block_t isCancelledBlock = nil; if (asynchronously) { uint displaySentinelValue = ++_displaySentinel; __weak ASDisplayNode *weakSelf = self; isCancelledBlock = ^BOOL{ __strong ASDisplayNode *self = weakSelf; returnself == nil || (displaySentinelValue != self->_displaySentinel.load()); }; } else { isCancelledBlock = ^BOOL{ returnNO; }; }
// Set up displayBlock to call either display or draw on the delegate and return a UIImage contents asyncdisplaykit_async_transaction_operation_block_t displayBlock = [self _displayBlockWithAsynchronous:asynchronously isCancelledBlock:isCancelledBlock rasterizing:NO]; if (!displayBlock) { return; } ASDisplayNodeAssert(_layer, @"Expect _layer to be not nil");
// This block is called back on the main thread after rendering at the completion of the current async transaction, or immediately if !asynchronously asyncdisplaykit_async_transaction_operation_completion_block_t completionBlock = ^(id<NSObject> value, BOOL canceled){ ASDisplayNodeCAssertMainThread(); if (!canceled && !isCancelledBlock()) { UIImage *image = (UIImage *)value; BOOL stretchable = (NO == UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(image.capInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero)); if (stretchable) { ASDisplayNodeSetupLayerContentsWithResizableImage(_layer, image); } else { _layer.contentsScale = self.contentsScale; _layer.contents = (id)image.CGImage; } [self didDisplayAsyncLayer:self.asyncLayer]; } };
// Call willDisplay immediately in either case [self willDisplayAsyncLayer:self.asyncLayer asynchronously:asynchronously];
if (asynchronously) { // Async rendering operations are contained by a transaction, which allows them to proceed and concurrently // while synchronizing the final application of the results to the layer's contents property (completionBlock). // First, look to see if we are expected to join a parent's transaction container. CALayer *containerLayer = _layer.asyncdisplaykit_parentTransactionContainer ? : _layer; // In the case that a transaction does not yet exist (such as for an individual node outside of a container), // this call will allocate the transaction and add it to _ASAsyncTransactionGroup. // It will automatically commit the transaction at the end of the runloop. _ASAsyncTransaction *transaction = containerLayer.asyncdisplaykit_asyncTransaction; // Adding this displayBlock operation to the transaction will start it IMMEDIATELY. // The only function of the transaction commit is to gate the calling of the completionBlock. [transaction addOperationWithBlock:displayBlock priority:self.drawingPriority queue:[_ASDisplayLayer displayQueue] completion:completionBlock]; } else { UIImage *contents = (UIImage *)displayBlock(); completionBlock(contents, NO); } }
flags = _flags; // We always create a graphics context, unless a -display method is used, OR if we are a subnode drawing into a rasterized parent. BOOL shouldCreateGraphicsContext = (flags.implementsInstanceImageDisplay == NO && flags.implementsImageDisplay == NO && rasterizing == NO); BOOL shouldBeginRasterizing = (rasterizing == NO && flags.shouldRasterizeDescendants); BOOL usesInstanceMethodDisplay = (flags.implementsInstanceDrawRect || flags.implementsInstanceImageDisplay); BOOL usesImageDisplay = (flags.implementsImageDisplay || flags.implementsInstanceImageDisplay); BOOL usesDrawRect = (flags.implementsDrawRect || flags.implementsInstanceDrawRect); if (usesImageDisplay == NO && usesDrawRect == NO && shouldBeginRasterizing == NO) { // Early exit before requesting more expensive properties like bounds and opaque from the layer. __instanceLock__.unlock(); returnnil; } BOOL opaque = self.opaque; CGRect bounds = self.bounds; CGFloat contentsScaleForDisplay = _contentsScaleForDisplay;
// Capture drawParameters from delegate on main thread, if this node is displaying itself rather than recursively rasterizing. id drawParameters = (shouldBeginRasterizing == NO ? [self drawParameters] : nil);
__instanceLock__.unlock(); // Only the -display methods should be called if we can't size the graphics buffer to use. if (CGRectIsEmpty(bounds) && (shouldBeginRasterizing || shouldCreateGraphicsContext)) { returnnil; } ASDisplayNodeAssert(contentsScaleForDisplay != 0.0, @"Invalid contents scale"); ASDisplayNodeAssert(usesInstanceMethodDisplay == NO || (flags.implementsDrawRect == NO && flags.implementsImageDisplay == NO), @"Node %@ should not implement both class and instance method display or draw", self); ASDisplayNodeAssert(rasterizing || !(_hierarchyState & ASHierarchyStateRasterized), @"Rasterized descendants should never display unless being drawn into the rasterized container.");
if (shouldBeginRasterizing) { // Collect displayBlocks for all descendants. NSMutableArray *displayBlocks = [NSMutableArray array]; [self _recursivelyRasterizeSelfAndSublayersWithIsCancelledBlock:isCancelledBlock displayBlocks:displayBlocks]; CHECK_CANCELLED_AND_RETURN_NIL(); // If [UIColor clearColor] or another semitransparent background color is used, include alpha channel when rasterizing. // Unlike CALayer drawing, we include the backgroundColor as a base during rasterization. opaque = opaque && CGColorGetAlpha(self.backgroundColor.CGColor) == 1.0f;
// For -display methods, we don't have a context, and thus will not call the _willDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext or // _didDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext blocks. It's up to the implementation of -display... to do what it needs. if (currentContext && _willDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext) { _willDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext(currentContext); } // Decide if we use a class or instance method to draw or display. id object = usesInstanceMethodDisplay ? self : [selfclass]; if (usesImageDisplay) { // If we are using a display method, we'll get an image back directly. image = [object displayWithParameters:drawParameters isCancelled:isCancelledBlock]; } elseif (usesDrawRect) { // If we're using a draw method, this will operate on the currentContext. [object drawRect:bounds withParameters:drawParameters isCancelled:isCancelledBlock isRasterizing:rasterizing]; } if (currentContext && _didDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext) { _didDisplayNodeContentWithRenderingContext(currentContext); } if (shouldCreateGraphicsContext) { CHECK_CANCELLED_AND_RETURN_NIL( UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); ); image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); }
- (void)_recursivelyRasterizeSelfAndSublayersWithIsCancelledBlock:(asdisplaynode_iscancelled_block_t)isCancelledBlock displayBlocks:(NSMutableArray *)displayBlocks { // Skip subtrees that are hidden or zero alpha. if (self.isHidden || self.alpha <= 0.0) { return; } BOOL rasterizingFromAscendent = (_hierarchyState & ASHierarchyStateRasterized);
// if super node is rasterizing descendants, subnodes will not have had layout calls because they don't have layers if (rasterizingFromAscendent) { [self __layout]; }
// Capture these outside the display block so they are retained. UIColor *backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor; CGRect bounds = self.bounds; CGFloat cornerRadius = self.cornerRadius; BOOL clipsToBounds = self.clipsToBounds;
CGRect frame; // If this is the root container node, use a frame with a zero origin to draw into. If not, calculate the correct frame using the node's position, transform and anchorPoint. if (self.shouldRasterizeDescendants) { frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); } else { CGPoint position = self.position; CGPoint anchorPoint = self.anchorPoint; // Pretty hacky since full 3D transforms aren't actually supported, but attempt to compute the transformed frame of this node so that we can composite it into approximately the right spot. CGAffineTransform transform = CATransform3DGetAffineTransform(self.transform); CGSize scaledBoundsSize = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(bounds.size, transform); CGPoint origin = CGPointMake(position.x - scaledBoundsSize.width * anchorPoint.x, position.y - scaledBoundsSize.height * anchorPoint.y); frame = CGRectMake(origin.x, origin.y, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height); }
// Get the display block for this node. asyncdisplaykit_async_transaction_operation_block_t displayBlock = [self _displayBlockWithAsynchronous:NO isCancelledBlock:isCancelledBlock rasterizing:YES];
// We'll display something if there is a display block, clipping, translation and/or a background color. BOOL shouldDisplay = displayBlock || backgroundColor || CGPointEqualToPoint(CGPointZero, frame.origin) == NO || clipsToBounds;
// If we should display, then push a transform, draw the background color, and draw the contents. // The transform is popped in a block added after the recursion into subnodes. if (shouldDisplay) { dispatch_block_t pushAndDisplayBlock = ^{ // Push transform relative to parent. CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); CGContextSaveGState(context);
// Fill background if any. CGColorRef backgroundCGColor = backgroundColor.CGColor; if (backgroundColor && CGColorGetAlpha(backgroundCGColor) > 0.0) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, backgroundCGColor); CGContextFillRect(context, bounds); }
// If there is a display block, call it to get the image, then copy the image into the current context (which is the rasterized container's backing store). if (displayBlock) { UIImage *image = (UIImage *)displayBlock(); if (image) { BOOL opaque = ASImageAlphaInfoIsOpaque(CGImageGetAlphaInfo(image.CGImage)); CGBlendMode blendMode = opaque ? kCGBlendModeCopy : kCGBlendModeNormal; [image drawInRect:bounds blendMode:blendMode alpha:1]; } } }; [displayBlocks addObject:pushAndDisplayBlock]; }
// Recursively capture displayBlocks for all descendants. for (ASDisplayNode *subnode inself.subnodes) { [subnode _recursivelyRasterizeSelfAndSublayersWithIsCancelledBlock:isCancelledBlock displayBlocks:displayBlocks]; }
- (void)addOperationWithBlock:(asyncdisplaykit_async_transaction_operation_block_t)block priority:(NSInteger)priority queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue completion:(asyncdisplaykit_async_transaction_operation_completion_block_t)completion { ASAsyncTransactionAssertMainThread(); NSAssert(self.state == ASAsyncTransactionStateOpen, @"You can only add operations to open transactions");
// Bit questionable maybe - we can give main thread more CPU time during tracking; if ([[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop].currentMode isEqualToString:UITrackingRunLoopMode]) --maxThreads; #endif if (entry._threadCount < maxThreads) { // we need to spawn another thread
// first thread will take operations in queue order (regardless of priority), other threads will respect priority bool respectPriority = entry._threadCount > 0; ++entry._threadCount; dispatch_async(queue, ^{ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(q._mutex); // go until there are no more pending operations while (!entry._operationQueue.empty()) { Operation operation = entry.popNextOperation(respectPriority); lock.unlock(); if (operation._block) { ASProfilingSignpostStart(3, operation._block); operation._block(); ASProfilingSignpostEnd(3, operation._block); } operation._group->leave(); operation._block = nil; // the block must be freed while mutex is unlocked lock.lock(); } --entry._threadCount; if (entry._threadCount == 0) { NSCAssert(entry._operationQueue.empty() || entry._operationPriorityMap.empty(), @"No working threads but operations are still scheduled"); // this shouldn't happen q._entries.erase(queue); } }); } }
void ASAsyncTransactionQueue::GroupImpl::leave() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_queue._mutex); --_pendingOperations; if (_pendingOperations == 0) { std::list<GroupNotify> notifyList; _notifyList.swap(notifyList); for (GroupNotify & notify : notifyList) { dispatch_async(notify._queue, notify._block); } _condition.notify_one(); // there was attempt to release the group before, but we still // had operations scheduled so now is good time if (_releaseCalled) { delete this; } } }
- (void)commit { ASAsyncTransactionAssertMainThread(); NSAssert(self.state == ASAsyncTransactionStateOpen, @"You cannot double-commit a transaction"); self.state = ASAsyncTransactionStateCommitted; if ([_operations count] == 0) { // Fast path: if a transaction was opened, but no operations were added, execute completion block synchronously. if (_completionBlock) { _completionBlock(self, NO); } } else { NSAssert(_group != NULL, @"If there are operations, dispatch group should have been created"); _group->notify(_callbackQueue, ^{ // _callbackQueue is the main queue in current practice (also asserted in -waitUntilComplete). // This code should be reviewed before taking on significantly different use cases. ASAsyncTransactionAssertMainThread(); [self completeTransaction]; }); } }
- (void)completeTransaction { ASAsyncTransactionState state = self.state; if (state != ASAsyncTransactionStateComplete) { BOOL isCanceled = (state == ASAsyncTransactionStateCanceled); for (ASAsyncTransactionOperation *operation in _operations) { [operation callAndReleaseCompletionBlock:isCanceled]; } // Always set state to Complete, even if we were cancelled, to block any extraneous // calls to this method that may have been scheduled for the next runloop // (e.g. if we needed to force one in this runloop with -waitUntilComplete, but another was already scheduled) self.state = ASAsyncTransactionStateComplete;
if (_completionBlock) { _completionBlock(self, isCanceled); } } }
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- (void)callAndReleaseCompletionBlock:(BOOL)canceled; { if (_operationCompletionBlock) { _operationCompletionBlock(self.value, canceled); // Guarantee that _operationCompletionBlock is released on _callbackQueue: self.operationCompletionBlock = nil; } }